Friday, May 14, 2010

The Cruise....the Birthday Boy!

Last year when Ben turned 29 he was a little depressed that he would soon be 30. I told him for his 30th birthday I would throw him a HUGE party! He did not like that idea one bit! So I asked what he did want to do for his 30th Birthday? He said he wanted to go on a cruise. We talked about it all this last year, telling people that we were going to go. A few months ago, as I knew his birthday was approaching, I asked if he really wanted to do it?....we talk about doing a lot of things, but never really do them... But he said he really wanted to. So we went on line and found a cruise that was during his birthday weekend....and where he didn't have to take too much time off of work....and was a good deal! Thanks to our tax return....we went!!!! We were even able to fly my mom out to watch the girls while we went! I knew they would have much more fun with Nana then with us it was, Charley was pushing us out the door to go....she had a long list of things she and Nana were going to do while she was here! Even though Gabby, Mom and Jordan got sick, I think they had fun! I was more worried about Gabby, she's more attached and a lot younger than Charley, but she did great!

A few days after we came back, Charley was asking when dad's birthday was. I realized she didn't know it was Ben's birthday because she wasn't there. So we made a cake, and surprised Ben when he came home from work!

Happy Birthday Ben! We Love You!
Love, your Girls!


Kelsey said...

It looks like you guys had lots of fun, but then how could you not?!

All these posts are making me want to go on another cruise. :)

Jansen Tribe said...

What a great gift! Looks like tons and tons of fun! I bet he had a great 30th b-day!