Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer Projects

My parents gave us this dresser when we got married. It was a lighter wood with a mirror on top. (I still have the mirror if anyone wants it) I sanded it down, stained the top a mahogany color, and painted the body black. The handles are what was on it....I just cleaned them with Braso and now they are sparkling new!

I found the headboard on KSL for cheap. It was white, I just painted it black. There are some detail to it, but it's hard to see in the picture. I also painted the little side table. It is just a cheap Ikea table, that was originally the light brown color. But after re-doing the dresser, it didn't match. Instead of buying a new one, I just sanded it down a bit for the paint to stick and painted it black. Since it was a table, I put a coat of polyurethane on it so the paint wouldn't come off. There is another one just like it on the other side.
I found this dresser on KSL for $20!! It was a great find! I sanded it down and did a 2-tone paint job on it! It matched the girls "Tinkerbell" room. The lamp shade was one I already had, I just primed and panted it as well. And the curtains are left over table clothes from Char's wedding.
These frames were originally white. Char bought them for me years ago at a neighbors garage sale in GA. I was prego with Charley at the time, and they had some cute little pictures in them for the nursery. Now that we don't have a nursery, and the girls room is Tinkerbell, I didn't want these nice big frames to go to waste. So I stripped and stained them. These were actually a lot harder then I first thought. Getting paint off stinks! And these had like 20 layers of paint. But now they match in my living room! And the girls pictures look so pretty in them!
My first project was this dresser/table. It is kinda like our little entry table. It replaced a bookshelf we had. I found this on KSL and was previously in a little boys room, and it was a disaster! I had to sand this down....fill all the scoffs with wood filler....stain, and bought new handles for it.

I wanted to decorate our house this summer, but the things I actually wanted was WAY out of our price range. Then I decided that if I just re-did furniture myself, I could do it the way I wanted for a fraction of the price. Plus it is actually really fun!

Next summer I want to find an armiore for our room, and re-do it to match our dresser, and I want to find something to do with our table. I need to figure out if I want to re-do it, or just get a new one! ....but that is for later. I'm done with my big projects for the summer. This winter I am going to work on stuff for my walls!


mamaschramm said...

you are sure a hard worker! Ben had better keep you around for a long while & beyond. Good looking wood work. You def. should keep the mirror--any wall needs a mirror in an apt because it reflects light and makes it appear bigger- Just redo the frame or add one (buy pieces of trim at HDepot & paint it black to match--

mlzendejas said...

Wow! When you put all your projects in one blog, you realize just how much you got done in one summer!! So impressive, and they all turned out GREAT!!! Also, I agree with everything mamaschramm said!!!

Crystal said...

Good job Mer! They all look great! Motherhood sure brings out some creativity don't ya think?

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

I love it esp the picture frames.. i just might have to do that to some of mine!!