Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More Princess Ball Photos

The school had little photo booths for the Dads and Daughters at the Princess Ball. They handed out the actual photo, so I had to scan these in, and are a bit blurry.  But here are some pretty pictures of my pretty princesses! 

I know I haven't posted much lately.  We are busy with life!  

Ben and I are training for a marathon.  He joined a Biggest Loser competition at work, and decided the best way to motivate him to work out for the competition was to train for a marathon.  So we have both been doing that.  It has been hard, especially with 3 kids trying to fit in long runs.  Our Saturdays are spent running....one of us will go, and then the other. Once we get to our really long runs, we will probably get a babysitter so we can run together a few times before the actual race.  Ben is doing awesome by the way! He has lost a lot!  

Charley is reading up a storm this month.  During the month of March, her teacher challenged all of the kids to read 100 books.  We are only 18 days in, and she only has to read 6 more books to reach her goal.  She has probably read way more.  She stays up late reading most nights in her bed.  But the catch to the challenge is she has to read to an adult. 

Gabby is doing great at preschool.  She is working hard at trying to read, and sounding out words.  Most days, after school, her clothes come off and a dress up dress goes on.  (She doesn't like to wear her clothes on underneath, because that "isn't pretty").  Some days she will have on a different dress every 20 minutes.  She has also gotten it in her head that her bathing suit is also a dress up item!?  She is still full of personality

Dani!  She is still as stubborn as ever!  But she is too cute to get mad at.  She has been telling me she has to go to the bathroom more and more lately.  Which I know she is ready to be potty trained, and probably wants to be, but I can't decide if I am ready.  However, yesterday I forgot to buy diapers at the store, and we are out.  So I guess today was the day we start.  So far, so good.  I am trying really hard not to pressure myself and having her be so perfect at it so fast.  I am ok with taking my time......I can have my baby just a tiny bit longer. 

We are looking forward to heading out to NC for spring break!  We wont be able to head out there this summer like we normally do. So we decided to head out during spring break.  And we got lucky that most of Ben's siblings and families will be able to make it out there too, for at least part of the week.  Today it snowed....BOO!  So the nice warm sun and sandy beaches will be very much welcomed!

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