Thursday, March 26, 2009


So we have been trying to explain to Charley that a new baby is coming. We tried explaining to her a few months ago. But every time we talked about a baby, she thought we were talking about her baby, and would run and get it and give it to me.

Ben and I tried sitting her down a few weeks ago and told her that we were going to have a new baby coming home, and it was in mommy's tummy...and we pat my tummy. Then, Charley pats her tummy and says "Baby in Charley's tummy!", then pats Ben's tummy and says "Baby in Daddy's tummy!" So now she thinks we all have a baby in our tummy. Even when we try and tell her that it is just my tummy, she says "No, Charley's baby!" and pats her tummy.

hopefully she will get it eventually...


Andrea, Mrs. said...

Hahahah! Oh no!

Unknown said...

Goodness, I didn't breathe for a minute thinking you had three kids on your belly!