Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trunk or Treat & Aunt Kays

Originally We were supposed to have our ward Trunk or Treat tonight. Everyone was there with trunks open and candy in hand. We had said an opening prayer to get the party started....and it started Raining!!....hard. After about 2 minutes, we all decided to move the party inside. So the adults lined the hallways and rooms and the kids just went down from person to person. It was a combined 3 wards, so there was a ton of people passing out candy. And for the amount of people that we had to organize very last minute, it all ran smoothly, and the kids only had to wait about 5 minutes before they could trick or treat.
Charley was an old pro at the trick or treating. Gabby started out wanting to hold every candy that she got, but she's a quick one. After about 5 minutes she realized that if she put the candy in her bag she could get more...then she was off. She was a very efficient 15 month old. She was all business going from person to person, it was hard to keep up with her!
Ben was Roy (from Siegfried & Roy), and I was the White Tiger that Bit him, Charley was Belle, and Gabby the Goblin!

Our ward activity was really early. It went from 4-6pm. It was actually really perfect timing. After the activity we took the kids to Aunt Kay's house to trick or treat. It has kinda become a tradition of ours. After Kays house we went to a few of her neighbors houses and called it good, and visited for a little bit. We came home and bathed Gabby (she left a black ring in the tub!), and sent them to bed by 8!!!

And now that they are in bed, we got to enjoy the girls loot! All Chocolate is separated and bagged for mom and dad!! My dad always called it the "Dad Tax"....Ben heard about that, and decided to implement that with our kids!

We had a busy and FUN Halloween!! It is always ten times better with kids. They make everything worth it! Even though tomorrow (Sunday) is the real Halloween, we live in Utah, so Halloween was actually tonight. Our festivities are on to Thanksgiving!


Char said...

LOVE the halloween costumes!! I cant wait for NEXT halloween when we have a kid to dress up too!

Crystal said...

Very cute Mer! And good job on Charley's dress! Gabby made a cute goblin! But I think you guys need to have a boy so Ben can have someone to dress. I think Gabby's too cute to be anything un-princessy!