Sunday, September 26, 2010

The end of summer....

Our friend Micah, who coaches for Fresno St., got us tickets to the Utah state game. It was a fun game to go to. And it was great to see him afterward. However, I would like to make sure everyone knows that it was Fresno Red, not Utah red. I couldn't believe I was wearing Red in Utah on a game day. But I did it for a friend!
We've been taking advantage of the final summer days as much as we can. We've gone to Thanksgiving Point a few times, and make many trips to Trafalga. Gabby recently discovered ponies, and is pretty much in love with them. Every time she sees them, she gets so excited, she can't breathe....literally. It is quite hilarious! We went to Trafalga one day last week, and some company was there, and they brought in ponies. And it took me forever to get the girl away from them! It was cute.
Charley is a pro now. She is getting so dang big! She'll be 4 in three months....I just can't believe it! She wont let me call her baby anymore....she is a "big girl"...

Story time started again at the library, they took the summer off, so now we're back, and the girls love it. We are also waiting for basketball to start for Charley. Right now they are doing Itty Bitty Football. I was thinking of signing her up, but I decided to wait and just do basketball.

We are having fun everyday, the girls keep us on our toes. But I'm trying to do as much as we can before we get stuck in the house in the winter....then I'll have to be more creative on ways to get out of the house.


Ben said...

Hey, wasn't there a girl in California that's the starting QB at a high school or something? I'm just saying, Itty Bitty football could be the start of something big. ;-)

Meredith said...

yes, but have you seen our child....she would snap in half she's so skinny!!