Sunday, June 30, 2013

Officialy in Nursery

 Today was Dani's first official day of nursery.  She has been in nursery since she has been born...because we were nursery leaders for the longest time.  But today, she was actually old enough for her to go by herself!!!  She was old enough last week, but we were on the road.  However, us being in nursery didn't help her at all.  She cried the whole time.  Schramma ended up staying in there with her. We will have to work on her staying in there!! 

These are just a few cute pictures of her after church. She has a little obsession with hats and shoes!  She can walk pretty good in them too.


bmz said...

I hardly recognized this cutie!

Lexi Zendejas said...

Auntie Jordan also loved to walk in her momma's shoes! Uh oh....