Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swimming Lessons

So a few weeks ago, Amy and I decided to sign the kids up for swimming lessons. However, since they are still 2, they weren't old enough for the pre-school class...we tried signing them up, but they wouldn't let us. So we singed them up for the parent/child class instead. Which I think was a good choice, I looked over at the pre-school class the first day and they were all screaming and hanging onto the side....Charley would have been trying to climb out! But it has been fun swimming with her. We wanted to sign the kids up to help them get used to the water....I want Charley to know how to swim because our new apartment has a pool, my parents have a pool, and Ben's parents have the beach....she'll need to learn.

We are moving this weekend...Friday to be exact! It is a little overwhelming now, because our house still looks like we are living in it, and doesn't look like I have packed at all! Ben is taking Friday off, so hopefully I can get a lot done today, and tomorrow morning, then load and unload the truck in afternoon!

Friday I will also be 35 weeks along and Saturday I will have exactly 1 month before the baby comes!.....still are unsure on a name, and I still have not started a thing to get ready for her to come! (I've been wanting to wait until after we moved)


W said...

I didn't realize you were moving so soon. Good luck!
BTW, I dreamed a while ago that you picked this outrageous name for your baby girl, so double check with me before you name her =) Just kidding! Wish I could be there to help. Can't wait to see you guys in less than 2 weeks!

honorindians said...

Wish I could help too! Try not to overdo it, and drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated!

Sam and/or Monika said...

fun stuff! we're going swimming with the scotsons this thursday. its been nice being able to swim - even when its raining. :) isaiah is a little braver...and makayah is too fearless, she SCARES me! miss you guys!! :)

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

Fun! So where did you do these lessons?