Friday, January 1, 2010

Good-bye 2009!

2009 was a crazy year for had it's ups and downs, but in all it was a great year!

In January we found out we were pregnant (We kinda knew we were, but finally went to the doctors) And we celebrated my birthday and Charley's 2nd birthday!

In February we went to Arizona and stayed with my sister and brother-in-law for the weekend, and I competed in the World Hoop Dance Championships (and placed 12th)
Also in February Ben started his new job at Shumway Van Law.

In March we found out we were going to have another girl!

April was filled with Ben's last law school finals and GRADUATION!!!!!! We were able to celebrate with both of our families!

May wasn't too eventful....just work.....and Ben's Birthday!

June we moved from Wymount to our current apartment in Lehi. We love it out here!

July was the busiest of all! Ben took all of July off of work to study for the Bar. The first week of July we went to Seattle for Tristan Alba's wedding. Came home and a week later and my mom and sister came out to stay with us. Lexi went to SOAR, and mom helped me get ready for the baby and unpack our house (we were still in boxes from the move). The next week we had our 2nd daughter, Gabby was born! And the week after that Ben took the Utah State Bar! And that weekend the rest of my family was out here to see the baby.

August brought Ben's family out here for Ben's littlest sisters wedding, Charlene. She was married in the SLC temple to Jared. We also decided to bless Gabby that weekend, while family was my parents came out that weekend as well. We had tons of family there to support us and our growing family that weekend.

September brought good news. Ben PASSED the BAR!!!!!

October we spent making the girls costumes for Halloween! Charley wanted to be Tinkerbell again, so we decided Gabby should be Rosetta, another fairy from the movie. And we all ventured up to SLC to watch Ben get sworn in as an Attorney!

November, we had family over for Thanksgiving....with Ham, not Turkey! And the week before thanksgiving, I took the girls to Omaha to visit my parents.

And just yesterday (december) we got back from NC, spending Christmas with the Schramm's!!!! (pictures to come in a later post)

We had a great 2009 and look forward to what 2010 will bring out little family!
Happy New Year!

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