Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The next Generation Jets...

Our good friend Liz was the lead singer in the 80's group, the Jets. You may recognize one of their more popular here. Liz is the one in the green shirt.

Well, her brother, the bass player from the Jets, now has 10 kids. And the oldest 6 of the kids have formed a group and have been featured on Nickelodeon, Yo Gabba Gabba, and a few other shows. They came to SLC the other night to perform for our churches summer concert series. My parents and niece were in town and decided to take the family. They were actually really good, and we were very impressed. And the girls had fun. I think it was fun for them to see kids their ages (literally) dancing and singing. The kids did a little Jets medley in honor of their aunts and uncles. If you watch both the you tube video I linked and this clip I got at the concert, you'll see the same little dance moves!

1 comment:

bmz said...

Awesome video. Did you know that Liz has her own wikipedia article?