Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Mole

When Gabby was about 1 I noticed a small black dot on her right thumb. At first I thought she wrote on herself with a pen. But after a few months, that black dot grew into what you see above. It was raised and dark and fast growing. Every time she would go in for a check-up or when she was sick to the doctors, they all told me the same had to come off. After her 2 year check up, we finally decided that it needed to be done, especially before the baby. We scheduled it for Sept. 8, 2011. The surgery went great. However, when they had it tested, they found it was called a Spitz Nevus. And this particular kind of nevus had little tentacle things under the skin that could become cancerous. Which meant that they needed to do a second surgery to take more skin out around the original mole. But since Gabby's thumb was so small, and her skin was already stretched, they would have to do a skin graft from her tummy. The second surgery was done on Oct. 14, 2011.
Gabby was really attached to her mole. Even when we went in for her check-up after her 1st surgery, she kept asking the doctor to find her mole. I'm not sure if she thinks that this second one was to put it back on? Right now she has a cast on to help keep her not move her thumb...I'm afraid to see what she thinks when it comes off and the mole is still gone!
I was an emotional wreck going into both surgeries. But I knew she was in good hands. It wasn't a major surgery, but they had to put her under, and it was just sad....she is my baby.
She has been recovering great. That day she slept a lot, and slept off all of the drugs. But after that, she has been herself. She is having issues trying to do things with her left hand, since she is right handed. She has a plastic cast on over her whole arm. They don't want her to move her thumb for a week, so I am anxious to see what her thumb, looks like. But I'm just hoping we have no more hospital visits for a long while at least!....except the baby of course!


Courtney Schramm said...

ben's picture looks great of the mole ..i mean who knew a mole could look so good? ha looking at these pics it makes me want to tear up for you..she's such a good sport but so little!! what a traumatizing couple weeks! ...mole gone and now seashell necklace broken. the girl needs a party. :)

Unknown said...

What a heart wrenching thing to see your little one unconscious on a hospital bed. I hope all goes well.

Meg said...

aww poor gabby! :(

Monika Crowfoot said...

oh, that is difficult. hope she's healing quickly and time passes fast. ;)

mamaschramm said...

She looks so tiny and helpless and docile (can it be?) Take good care of my g-babies,,,i need them. I'll look for a perfect rock/shell about Nov 4th when we go next :)