Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Princess Party

Charley's 5th birthday party was a few days after her actual birthday. She was turning 5, so I wanted to make it special, however, I just had my 3rd baby...and had a ton of family over for Christmas. So we decided that she could invite a few friends to do a princess party. Last year a cosmetology school opened up next to Thanksgiving Point. I had gone there with Charley a few months ago to get our nails done. While I was there I asked if they had princess parties. For $5 a girl they did their hair, nails, and make-up! SWEET!! done! We called the hair school to make an appointment, invited a few friends. They met at our house, we drove over....each girl was assigned a none of them were waiting around board. They got pampered....we drove back to our house and had cup cakes and opened presents and took the girls home. It was great. I really didn't have to do anything, and Charley was beyond happy!

Later that night we invited a few more friends over for cake and ice cream. .....after that was over, I felt like super mom!! born, holidays over, birthday party complete....time for this mama to relax!


Monika Crowfoot said...

great idea! that is impressive after just having a baby and recuperating from the holidays! ;)

Cam and Lohi said...

wow!!! $5??!!!...for hair, nails, AND make-up?!...what a steal! If I was Charley, you would most definitely be super mom! great job!

mlzendejas said...

You are supermom! How fun!