Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bad Habits...

Charley has been sick the last few days. Yesterday she spent most of the day in our bed watching movies and sleeping. However, that night she didn't want to go back in her room. Since she was sick, we let her sleep on our floor. So we put some blankets on the floor and she slept great! My first mistake was not making my bed this morning....because her little bed was still on our floor this afternoon. She told me she was tired today so I put her in her room, and then went to take out the trash. When I came inside I found her in our room on the floor sleeping. We'll have to break this bad habit soon!

We needed to run to the grocery store today. When we came home, I put Gabby on the floor on her tummy facing me so she could see me while I put the groceries away. She started off in the middle of the blanket, facing the other direction. When I looked over, she was like this. She isn't crawling yet, but she sure is scooting around. I'm not sure if I am ready for this yet.


mlzendejas said...

Hahahaha! Love Charley's "gloves". You kids used to love sleeping in our room on the floor too! Must be genetic? Little Gabby is going to be crawling around before you know it! Glad to see her little Minnie Mouse outfit still fits!

Crystal said...

It could be worse...she could be in bed w/ you! haha. We've had both kids in our bed lately, with them both being sick:( So basically, that means Mommy and Daddy are dead tired. haha. Hopefully they both get better soon! I was sad to hear Charley got sick:( Better watch Gabby!! (good luck w/ that. heehee).