Wednesday, April 28, 2010


A Preface to my story: Twice a week we have a few neighbor kids over for "pre-school". Last week we talked about seasons, and learned that it was Spring (though you wouldn't know that by looking outside today!). And I taught them the little rhyme "April Showers bring May Flowers." Charley says it all the time now.

So last night on our way home from hanging out with family Charley says: "mom remember our words? (referring to our rhyme)"
Charley: "April Showers bring May Flowers"
Ben says: It's called a rhyme because Showers rhymes with Flowers.
then testing her he says: "What rhymes with BED?
Charley: "B-E-D (spelling it) spells bed!"
Ben and I look at each other in shock and start laughing! ... "did she just spell bed?" "who taught her that?!"

this video was from a week or so ago. We were in the car, and we know she can recognize the word "STOP" from the stop signs, but all of a sudden she goes "mom, S-T-O-P spells stop!"

She continues to amaze me every day! ....and she's probably already a better speller than I am!


Char said...

your child is a genius.

Andrea, Mrs. said...

That is amazing! So cool!

honorindians said...

The first word she spelled right was when she passed you as a speller.

Meredith said...

sad....but true!