Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Random Pictures of the Girls...

You guessed it! some of our favorite people came in town! Amy, Paka, and Averie came intown to visit family....poor B had to stay back in AZ with school! But we're glad we got to see friends!
At Thanksgiving Point getting ice cream! We've gotten a lot of ice cream there lately....the kids cone is .25 cents!
Gabby started standing....not free standing, but she can climb to a stand....and she really likes to stand, and knows how to slowly walk while we are holding her I got her this cool toy to help her. She loves it!
I just thought this picture was funny!
We got a pass to Thanksgiving Point, so we've been there a lot as well!! We've already gone to the animal farm a few times. this time, they let all the kids comb the horses hair to get the winter coats off. Charley loves it.

1 comment:

mlzendejas said...

All the pictures are so cute! I love how Gabby is always "wide-eyed" when she gets her picture taken! Can't believe she will be 1 yr this summer! So fun how Charley is playing dress-up with her little sister. Cute Cute Cute!!!