Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1st Hair Cut!


I am a little weird about our girls hair! I want it long! Charley didn't get her first "trim" (she hasn't ever really gotten a cut) last summer. I was trying to hold off on Gabby getting one until she was older, but I couldn't control her hair anymore! Charley was easy because she had curly hair, and it was easy to hid her random long strays! ....However, Gabby has straight hair, and her hair is just plain CrAzY!!!! She had these long tufts on each side of her head over her ears. They were literally longer than her shoulders, but the rest of her hair was still by her ears! As I was looking at her last Saturday, I decided it was time!


Jordanlz said...

Gabby is just so dang adorable!

mlzendejas said...

Cute cute cute!!!!