Thursday, January 15, 2009


Ben told me I needed to update!....however, nothing really cool has been happening. "American Idol" is back on, and so is "Biggest Loser". Besides "Friends", they are two of my favorite shows! The only bad side is that they are on at the same time! We don't have DVR or Tivo, so recording them is out of the question. So the only thing left to do is to flip channels every few minutes or watch one while the other is on commercial break. I don't think I could ever try out...and hope I don't ever have to try out for ("Biggest Loser" especially!) but they are fun to watch!

In other news...I am trying to potty train Charley...AGAIN!!! It didn't work so well last time. After a few days of me sitting her on the potty every half hour, she refused. She literally would arch her back and screamed when I tried to put her on the potty. But lately I have been thinking that she is more and more ready. She wakes up with a clean diaper, she hides when she poos, and she'll tell me when she does go only if she would do that before she goes.

Last night at a meeting for work, I was talking with some ladies who are potty training their girls. And for them "Elmo's Potty Time" movie has helped. It doesn't really teach them how to potty, but gets them excited. Maybe that is what Charley needed. So today I went out with Charley and got her the movie! When we were done I asked if she wanted to try the potty and she said yes. We are on the right track but not quite there...she pushed and tried to go potty, but I think she had already gone. We'll keep trying though!

1 comment:

Sam and/or Monika said...

we have the same elmo potty movie! :) makayah loves it, and she wants to try, but I'M the one who's not ready. maybe when i feel a little more organized and we're done unpacking. and congrats on the pregnancy. miscarriages are tough. glad you got through it though! :)