Thursday, December 30, 2010


My baby brother plays for his varsity basketball team at school. We have all wanted to go to a game, but he's so far away, and we only come really during a holiday or summer, when he's not playing. But to our surprise we discovered that he would be having a home game during break!!!....then when we realized that all 5 sisters would be home, and there are 5 letters in his name....coincidence? I think not!!

Our original idea was to buy shirts and just use a marker to write his name. But as our plan evolved, we decided to go classy and make them nice. We bought shirts and the special paper you print and iron on. And Wala....instant cheering section! We even had people from the school thinking it was cool and taking pictures of us! He was a little embarrassed, and got a little teasing from his teammates, but secretly they were all jealous that they didn't have enough sisters to spell their names! And one day Ruben will appreciate it too.

1 comment:

Elder Ruben Zendejas said...

its "voila" not wala. wow meredith.