Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Charley scoring a basket! ....this was her second basket. The first one, she just picks up the ball and walks it down. This was her second attempt. But at least she dribbles it for half the way (I started the video late, but she does dribble it some of the way....she's getting there...)

This is Charley at one of the stations...they were practicing dribbling. I know the video is small, but if you look close, she is actually dribbling it....it isn't until she turns around that she starts dribbling air!

The last week Charley's been playing Itty Bitty Basketball! It is set up like the Itty Bitty Soccer we signed her up for this past fall. There are about 60 kids singed up for her time slot. They are divided up into 6 teams and each time they come, they warm up, then each team goes to a station set up around the gym. After about 5 minutes, they rotate so they get to do all the different games/drills for the day. After ward they either have a relay race/other game (not necessarily basketball) or they partition the gym into thirds and let the kids play a basketball game to help them with the skills they learned that day. It is not competitive, no one takes score, or calls fouls. And since this is a learning experience, you get to do things over if you make a mistake....and every one gets a turn. I really like the program. It is a good way for Charley to get some energy out in the winter, plus it introduces her to a variety of sports. And, I know she is actually learning and I'm not just watching her and a bunch of 4 year-olds chase a ball around.

These videos were taken on her second day. She is catching on fast! I used to play in high school, and I was on a Championship Intramural Basketball team at BYU....so I am one proud mama!

1 comment:

mamaschramm said...

she looks good on the court! i loved watching the video clips but it makes me miss u guys more!